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Samakose in Numbers 
In keeping with our philosophy of ‘... a step at a time’,  Samakose as a business development enterprise promised to support the under-served entrepreneurs and businesses with Inspiration, Training, Network, Finance, Market and Celebrate them as change makers.
Our Work So Far
Following a lifecycle approach, Samakose works intensively through focused Services in two major areas – Entrepreneurship (Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, StartMeUp Incubation, and Networking Events) and Strategic Management (Business Plan, Proposal Writing, Research, Due Diligence, Financial Projections and Business Diagnosis).
Research & Development 

Samakose is an organisation focusing on promoting new, solid and innovative ways for entrepreneurship development by providing ideas as well as turning those idea into viable solutions and projects. You can see all our research ideas by browsing our Research Lab as well as all the Achievement that we have created over 5 years.

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Entrepreneurship Programmes

Entrepreneurship training, mentoring and coaching at Samakose empowers entrepreneurs to start and grow businesses through our unique programmes designed and implemented by our expertise. This is what makes Samakose the best partner to add to your entrepreneurship development consortium. 

Digital Solution Programmes

Our digital solution with partner institution is an exciting program dedicated facility for startups and ICT for SMEs. Part of the StartMeUp incubation aims to help launch new technology-focused in Ghana as well as promoting and training ICT application with work. We locate the challengies of SMEs and use our expertise to help take the solution on a step further.

Consulting Services 

Starting, managing and growing a business are hard to. There are many variables that can affect the progress, experience and expertise are just two of them. Here, Samakose can help you develop strategies to cover the need of any kind, that can help succeed. We offer tools in an innovative way, either you are a startup with an idea or an SME that is looking to innovate .

Are you ready to implement a truly successful Entrepreneurial project in Northern Ghana? Samakose is the right partner for you.
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