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Working With Us?

If you’re passionate about entrepreneurship in Northern Ghana and you feel you have something to offer to the local startup scene as a partner, a team member, mentor, judge, or other inspirational Samakose character, we’d like to talk with you.

Samakose’s team is dynamic, friendly, culturally diverse, and encourage an open door policy.

In short, Samakose is a great place to work. We provide in-house and external training to all our permanent team to help develop their careers, continuously cooperating with training and community service provision by and with Samakose staff.


We are firmly committed to equal opportunities to all our staff in training and career development.

A great place to work

On top of all this, every day at Samakose you’ll be playing a central part in the transformation of Northern Ghana's economy from hydrocarbons to knowledge – helping incubate the entrepreneurial giants of the next decade!

We Work, We Play, We Grow at Samakose!
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