Your marketing plan should be a clear, concise, and well thought out document that guides you through your marketing program. Your marketing plan is essential to your success. Using a marketing plan template will help you focus on accomplishing your marketing objective whether your company provides products or services.
The six major elements in creating a successful marketing plan are listed below. Creating a marketing plan template from these points can help you stay on track. You may only need a sentence or two per section… or you might want to break each down into a few succinct bullet points.
The Purpose
Your Target Customer
The Benefits of Your Product or Service
Your Positioning
Your Marketing Tactics
Your Marketing Budget
As you go through each section, keep the following tips and hints in mind:
Keep your marketing plan simple.
Many small business owners get so involved in details that they lose sight of their goals. By keeping your plan simple, you will create a clear roadmap that focuses on what you need to accomplish. Write your marketing plan down (as opposed to thinking about it and keeping it in your head). It is important to have a document that will constantly remind you what you are trying to accomplish. A marketing plan template is an excellent place to start.
Be direct and be clear.
If you’re not sure, ask a friend, relative, colleague or employee to read your plan. They should immediately grasp your goals.
Don’t build in too much flexibility. You may be tempted to plan for various market contingencies. If your market changes that quickly, then you should incorporate that into your plan. But create a strategy you can keep to – that’s the purpose of having a plan in the first place. Review your marketing plan often – quarterly or even monthly. That doesn’t mean you have to revise it every month. But take some time to evaluate it and make sure you’re on track.
Finally….never stop marketing! Once you have your plan in place, you need to take action. Commit yourself to your marketing program. Don’t let yourself stagnate. Keep at it, and you’ll be giving your business the opportunity to flourish.
The Purpose
The general purpose of any marketing plan is to maximize your business’ profits. But what does that mean for your business? Spell it out here. If you’re a children’s clothing designer, your purpose might be “To sell the greatest number of infant dresses at the lowest cost per dress”. If you’re a self-employed computer consultant who helps companies utilize the Internet, your purpose might be “To book my time completely by getting the greatest number of clients at the lowest possible cost.”
Some things to think about when you’re writing this section:
Your marketing plan’s purpose may seem obvious to you. But by putting it up front and in writing, you will stay focused on your Internet.
Many businesses think their marketing plan is about increased exposure, getting press, writing cool ads, and the like. These are not purposes, they are tactics. The end result of any of these is to increase your profits.
If you’re having trouble answering “what is the purpose of your marketing plan,” you might want to think “why are you marketing?” Your answers to these questions should be the same.
Many businesses think their marketing plan is about increased exposure, getting press, writing cool ads, and the like. These are not purposes, they are tactics. The end result of any of these is to increase your profits. If you’re having trouble answering “what is the purpose of your marketing plan,” you might want to think “why are you marketing?” Your answers to these questions should be the same.
Your Target Customer
In order to reach your target customers, you’ve got to know who they are. Look for common identifiable characteristics. Are they companies or individuals? Do they fall into a certain age, geographic or income demographic? How do they buy your type of products or services? How often do they buy them? What features do they look for?
Don’t use general terms – instead of “people who want to buy a dress for an infant” use something like “grandparents and other gift givers who are looking for a special outfit for a newborn.”
Be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Not everyone is your target customer. Don’t sell to everyone – segment your markets. If you are selling home heating oil in a specific region, you could target your marketing at every household in that region. But would that be an efficient use of your time and money? Probably not. You’d want to narrow your focus. Is your target customer existing users of home heating oil or is it people who use gas heat but are thinking of converting to oil? Or are you looking for people who’ve just bought a house and haven’t decided who they will buy their oil from? Are you selling to residential customers or to local businesses?
Some other things to look out for:
Be sure your target market is large enough to support your sales objectives.
Don’t guess who your target market is. When possible, quantify by numbers through research. Call trade associations; go to your research library and look up market data; use demographic information from the census; etc.
The purchaser of your product or service may not necessarily be the user.
If you’re selling business-to-business, remember that your product or service is bought by a person, not by a company. Therefore, focus on the role of the person whom you need to influence to buy your product or service. Is that person the sales manager or purchasing officer? What are the factors that your offering must have to attract them?
The Benefits of Your Product or Service
You don’t market a product, and you don’t market a service. You market benefits. Describe them here. Think in terms of the distinctive features of your product or service that set you apart from your competition. This is also known as your Unique Selling Proposition, or USP. It could be the design of your product, your knowledge of the market, a new technology, a special service, a singular talent, or something else. For example, the USP of a Sony television is the superior picture of the Trinitron tube. Burger King’s USP is that its burgers are flame broiled.
Think about these points when you’re developing your USP:
You might want to consider your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Once you know what they are, you can use marketing to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
Also consider your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses – so you can minimize their strengths and take advantage of their weaknesses.
Your Positioning
Positioning is your identity in the marketplace; how you want the market and your competitors to view your product or service. Your positioning will have an impact on every segment of your marketing.
Base your positioning on the benefits you offer, who your customers are, and how your competitors are positioned. Keep your positioning statement highly focused and succinct. For example, Acme Movers could be positioned as “the most dependable moving company in the Tri-City region.” Two architects who specialize in kitchens could have totally different positions – one could be “the most innovative designer of modern kitchen environments,” while the other could be “the most cost-effective designer of traditional kitchens.” Whose kitchen do you think you’d see in Metropolitan Home and whose do you think is targeted at the average buyer?
Some positioning tips:
When creating your positioning statement, think in terms of extremes – the “most,” the “best,” the “fastest,” the “cheapest,” the “only,” etc.
If there’s not much difference between you and your competitors, look for a meaningful customer want or need that has not yet been filled.
Don’t position directly against a competitor, if possible. If you do, you may be caught without a position should your customer change its focus. Instead, focus more on your product’s or service’s strengths.
Be very careful if you position solely on price, since that position can be very easily pre-empted.
Don’t position just on image. You need to back up your positioning with substance. If you can’t, it’s a recipe for disaster.
Your Marketing Tactics
Describe the specific marketing tactics you intend to use to reach your target customers – advertising, public relations, or sales promotions, for example. These are the weapons of your marketing strategy. Choose them wisely. Make sure that they agree and support your positioning and your benefits.
It is not necessary to spell out in your marketing plan exactly how you will use each tool. You might want to discuss briefly the purpose and the tone of the various tactics. For example, an Internet consultant might write: “Press releases will focus on our Internet expertise”; “Top management will speak at computer trade shows”; “Print advertising will focus on classifieds in The News’ weekly computer section.” Remember that your marketing plan is your guide – you don’t want to get enmeshed in details.
Here is a list of tools that you might be using. Of course, there are many other marketing weapons you can choose.
Advertising (print, radio, television)
Classified ads
Community service
Direct mail
Free samples
Frequent buyer programs
Give-aways (T-shirts, pens, other ad specialties)
In-store signage/displays
Outdoor signage/billboards
Personal contact
Personal letters
Product packaging
Point-of-purchase displays
Public relations
Relationship selling
Trade shows
Your Marketing Budget
Briefly discuss how much money you intend to invest in marketing as percentage of your projected gross sales. You can break it down on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Ideally, you will have already determined the amount of your marketing budget when you created your business’ various financial statements. The figure you choose will depend greatly on your type of business and your goals. It can be anywhere from 5% to 50% or more. If you’re a heavily marketing driven venture – a company selling products through direct mail and direct response advertising, for instance – then you will likely allocate more than a company that will build its client base through networking and relationship marketing.
Here are a couple of other things to consider when you’re creating your budget:
By putting down a figure, you are committing yourself to supporting your marketing program. You will know how much you can afford to spend on different forms of advertising, PR, and other tactics.
Be sure to keep track of how effective each marketing tactic is. You want to get the maximum return on your marketing investments.
Adapted from content excerpted from the RepublicSMEToolkit